High Vibe Habits for personal mastery ©

For those who may wish to play with my way of living a high vibe, passionate, and creative life. 

My signature game you play with real life in real time; designed to get you growing, flowing, igniting and exciting in the things you gotta do anyway.  

This system guides you to navigate your life based on what brings fulfillment:

~Intuition, Creativity, & Passion!~

Inviting you to prioritize the life you want to experience and enjoy walking the journey, instead of postponing happiness until the result is achieved; ~HIGH VIBE HABITS for personal mastery~ will cultivate a positive shift into your life

both internally & externally.

This journey is a stroll along a beautifully laid out path, smelling every rose along the way to your destination of wellbeing, empowerment, accomplishment, and advancement.


This 2 piece system consists of:


  • The ~HIGH VIBE HABITS for personal mastery~ Book:

Your manual, designer, planner, journal, creativity igniter, brain programmer, roadmap to success, and life book.


  • The ~Artsy Fartsy HIGH VIBE tracker~ package:

Your moodboard, color guide, artwork templates, habit tracker, success documenter, excuse buster, learning launcher, epic artwork creation in the making.

Although these two pieces work best together as they were designed to compliment and amplify eachother for a complete system overhaul; each portion is sold separately so you can take high vibe action in whatever way feels right for you!

Feedback from customers…

“This experience was a MIRACLE. GAMECHANGER!!!! I would 10000000% recommend this to anyone whomever may be in the rut and needs that little push. Hell, I’d recommend this to anyone. EVERYONE even. I believe everyone could use this beautiful growth in their journey in life.”

“I absolutely loved the layout of your product! The best part of it was how easy it was to stay focused and complete my 3 goals daily, plus more! I loved that our goals were simple things that we are already doing or should be doing every day! Completing these every day makes you feel amazing and looks forward to that feeling every day! I now have these habits I will continue to use every day and will add different ones.”

Throughout this journey you will:

  • Design a plan to shift towards your desires by incorporating 3 “small baby steps” to cultivate into daily habits, that will serve your life, mind, body, & spirit.

  • Tap into your passions and explore your creativity to ignite a spark in your life and open it up to opportunities, great experiences, and connections.

  • Elevate your dominant vibrational state and thus elevate every other area of your life internal, external, mental, emotional, physical, & spiritual.

  • Create and hardwire new programs that navigate your life while breaking the old spells (a.k.a. the garbage we tell ourselves) that keep us stuck.

  • Harness the energy that gives small action BIG momentum.

  • Experience first hand how your vibrational state affects your reality as you interact with synchronicities in your everday life. 

  • Cultivate your relationship with yourself, learn the tools to feed and empower yourself, tap into your personal power and be in charge of your own life experience.  

We do NOT “fake it until we make it” around here…



“This high vibes journey was an absolutely amazing, unforgettable one. Before this product, I was a pretty depressed human. Like negativity pulled towards me. I was in a rut. But when I was presented this package, and started my journey, all that negativity went away. It taught me that you are the key to happiness and fulfillment. YOU ARE THE KEY. I look at everything differently now, I’m so grateful for the grey being pushed out and replaced with rainbows! This package gives you the “blueprint” per se, and all you gotta do is run with it! Let it flow and retrain your brain. Feed it growth and happiness!!! This is honestly the most valuable piece of information you can have. You HAVE to try it out yourself!!!! YOU WONT BE DISAPPOINTED!!!!”

– Kalista

“I just completed the High Habits game and am absolutely blown away! I’ve done many self-care programs etc. and nothing compares to this! My favorite part is that we are picking easy everyday habits that we want to improve in our life and celebrating those every day! This 100% makes you feel amazing for your everyday accomplishments! This is how we should feel every single day!  When we feel this amazing energy in our lives daily, we attract other amazing things into our lives! This program gave me the tools to continue to use every day to keep those high vibes up!! I highly recommend this High Vibes Habits program to anyone that wants to enjoy their everyday life and feel amazing doing it! And did I say how easy it is to follow? Anyone has time for this in their lives because we should be celebrating those little everyday things! If you’re looking to feel better about your busy everyday life, than this is for YOU!!”


– Lori


It’s unique, just like you!

It’s designed to embrace and honor that, crack it wide open, and bring it to center stage.

YOU do you, your way!

  • Your intuition

  • your creativity and passion

  • your version of success

  • your life experience

  • you are the creator of  your own reality

I give you the tools and roadmap to find yourself, feed yourself, tune in and navigate yourself. Fulfillment and success is not found by following someone else’s design.



No two journeys, experiences, or artwork will look the same. 

Universal laws of ~vibration & energy~!

Regardless of your beliefs, it’s happening in your life!

Energy has properties that can’t be denied, if you are not intentionaly working it ~ then IT IS working you!

HIGH VIBE HABITS for personal mastery © is intricately designed in perfect order to get the laws of the universe working FOR YOU; it is designed with creativity and passion with the intention of leading you to vibrate with yours.




⊗ No mundane gratitude list undecided

♥ Creative writing to ~INVOKE vibrations~ of gratitude, excitement, hope, and empowerment innocent

⊗ No shitty shadow work cry ♥ Cultivate the light that reveals and dissolves the shadows  tongue-out
⊗ No showing up for some massively miserable and neverending journey, that’s nearly impossible to stick to because it’s SO FAR from where you actually are yell ♥ Mastering the next level of growth from where you are in the juiciest, funnest, most fulfilling way possible. wink


The Artsy Fartsy tracker

The funnest most creative way to track your actions ever!

Track your accomplishments & Track your excuses – While creating an epic overall visual for your pleasure centres!

Celebrate what you ARE doing, give yourself credit, watch it grow with excitement, feel accomplished!

Stop denying your efforts, learn from your slips (instead of beat yourself up), and motivate the heck out of yourself.



Some more feedback…

 ““The questions were great and easy to understand for me! I loved the idea of just being grateful for one thing and totally elaborating on it! Digging deep! Really deep!

 I loved the questions about what you’re hopeful and excited about! That totally brings up my energy for what to look forward to, and what I need to make happen!”

 “I’ve honestly never done a track record! So being it was my first time, it was FANTASTIC! I liked that everyday you had only one thing to be grateful for and that you actually gave it the spotlight for the day. To really talk about that one thing you’re grateful for. My favorite was the hopeful part. Where you could really open up and tell the universe what you wanted and to put all the magic into it. 

I did enjoy that every day after the 3 questions there was something different to dig in deep for. I’ll definitely keep on using these tools every day.”

Some completed tracker artworks!

If you’re feeling the juicy vibes, give it some momentum with high vibe action… say YES to the journey now.

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